Translation from:
English into Greek
Greek into English
French into Greek
French into English
 In case my clients need translation services in other languages, I may introduce to them other professional translators, too, offering my personal guarantee for the quality of their work.

Areas of Specialization
a. Technical texts
Audio - Visual devices, Telecommunication, Software, Hardware,Machinery, Auto - Moto subjects, Ι.Τ., Technical Manuals and Product Specifications.
 b.  Commerce - Finance
Bids, Proposals and Feasibility Studies, Tenders, Advertisement, Management, Product promotion, Contracts, Audits.
c. Health - Medicine
General Health Issues, Pharmacology, Drug Protocols, Medical Books.
d. Science
Education, Environment, Administration, Human Rights, Social Sciences,Psychology, Theology.
e. Literature
Books of classical and contemporary literature.
f. Music